Make a donation

With support your, we can ensure that Rugby is accessible for all.

A gift today to the Angel Fund could provide crucial financial and other supports to players and potential members in order to remove barriers to playing the sport, helping us transform the club promote the sport of rugby, ensuring equality and accessibility and most of all, creating a safe space for from members of the LBGT+ community on the DC Metro Area.


For more information about the Angel fund, or to discuss your giving, please contact our Membership Chair:

Matt Melikian

Become a Sponsor Today!

Our Sponsors are crucial to not only ensuring we can keep the lights on the pitch, but also in allowing us to foster and promote a stronger LGBT+ community in the DC Metro Area

Why donate to the Scandals?


“Rugby and Beer go hand and hand! We're proud to support the efforts of the Scandals and their love of Rugby."

— Bryan Van Den Oever, Red Bear Brewing

“I’m proud to support the Scandals because they are big balls of fun, loving, friendly and a community that embraces brotherhood/
sisterhood love”

— Tammy Truong, Uproar Bar & Lounge